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ISN 2024-15: Libaom Vulnerability

First published 20 June 2024

CVSS 3.1: 8.4 (High)



A security vulnerability has been found in the Libaom multimedia library used in IGEL OS. This affects the following IGEL products:

  • IGEL OS 12

  • IGEL OS 11


Libaom contains an integer overflow in the internal function img_alloc_helper, which can lead to a heap buffer overflow. Also, calling it with large values may lead to further integer overflows in calculations. This may lead to arbitrary code execution and is rated as high (CVE-2024-5171).

Update Instructions

  • OS 12: Update to base system version 12.4.2 or newer.

  • OS 11: Update to the upcoming IGEL OS 11.10.150 or newer.


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