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ISN 2025-02: Chromium Vulnerabilities

First published 21 January 2025

CVSS 3.1: 8.3 (High)



Several security vulnerabilities have been identified in the Chromium web browser used in IGEL OS. This affects the following product versions:

  • IGEL OS 12

  • IGEL OS 11


V8, Chromium’s JavaScript engine is affected by two type confusions, CVE-2025-0291 (high) and CVE-2024-12692 (high). In addition, an out-of-bounds memory access has been found in V8 (CVE-2024-12693, high) as well as an out-of-bounds write (CVE-2024-12695, high).

Finally, a use-after-free has been discovered in the Compositing component (CVE-2024-12694, high).

Update Instructions

  • OS 12: Update to the OS 12 Chromium App in version 132.0.6834.83 as soon as it is available on the IGEL App Portal.

  • OS 11: Update to IGEL OS version 11.10.250 (planned for 25 February 2025).



JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.