When the signed certificate of your ICG installation is about to expire, you must renew it, that is, replace it by a newer certificate which is compatible to the current one. You can renew a certificate using the update keystore function of the UMS or locally on the machine hosting the ICG. Using the update keystore function of the UMS is recommended; this method is described in this article.
The new certificate is compatible if the following conditions are met:
The new certificate is issued from the same root certificate as the current certificate
The new certificate contains the same IP addresses or host names as the current certificate
The new certificate is a signed certificate
Creating a New Certificate
If you do not already have a new certificate:
In the UMS Console, go to UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Certificate Management > Cloud Gateway.
Open the context menu on the appropriate root certificate and select Create signed certificate.
Fill in the certificate fields (most likely, the data will be the same as for the current certificate):
Displayname: Name of the certificate
The display name in the server certificate must not be the same as in the root certificate.
Your first and last name: Name of the certificate holder
Your organization: Organization or company name
Your city or locality: Location
Your two-letter country code: ISO 3166 country code, e.g. US, UK or ES
Hostname and/or IP address of certificate target server: Same Host name(s) or IP address(es) as in the current certificate.
Valid until: Local date on which the certificate expires. (Default: one year from now)
Click OK.
The new certificate is shown.
Updating the Keystore
In the UMS console, go to UMS Administration > UMS Network > IGEL Cloud Gateway.
Select the ICG for which you want to renew the certificate and click . The Update Keystore wizard opens; it shows the certificates which can be used for renewal.
Select the new certificate and click Next.
Enter the SSH parameters:
SSH host: IP address or hostname under which the UMS can reach the ICG
SSH port: SSH port (Default: 22)
SSH user: The same user that has been used for the remote installer
SSH password: Password for the user-specified as SSH user
Click Next.
The Keystore of the ICG is updated with the new certificate.
When the update is finished, click Finish.
Go to UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Certificate Management > Cloud Gateway and check if the Used flag is set for the new certificate.
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