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Commands Session in IGEL OS 12

This article shows how to set up system command sessions in IGEL OS.

Menu path: User Interface > Commands > Shutdown menu / Sort icons / Restart windowmanager

System commands can be made accessible to the user through configuring them as sessions:

  • Shutdown menu: Opens the shutdown menu. You can configure the shutdown menu under System > Power Options > Shutdown. For more information, see Shutdown Settings in IGEL OS 12 .

  • Sort icons: Sorts the symbols on the desktop so that they form a block.

  • Restart windowmanager: Restarts the device's user interface.

The starting methods parameters are described under Starting Methods for Apps

Quick Access

Menu path: User Interface > Commands > Shutdown Menu > Quick Access

Here, you can configure the quick access to the shutdown menu from the start menu and the Application Launcher.

Show Shutdown menu button

☑ The image-20240613-080759.png icon is shown in the start menu. (Default)

Hide Shutdown menu button

☑ The image-20240613-080807.png icon is shown in the Application Launcher.

☐ The image-20240613-080812.png icon is not shown in the Application Launcher. (Default)

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