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Introduction to IGEL OS 12

IGEL OS 12 is installed in the form of the IGEL OS Base System app.

Installation and Update

The Base System app can be installed on the devices through explicit app assignment in the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) Web App. For more information on explicit app assignment, see IGEL UMS 12: Basic Configuration and How to Assign Apps to IGEL OS Devices via the UMS Web App .

You can find information on how to update the Base System app in IGEL UMS 12: App Update .

IGEL OS 12 Release Notes

You can find information about the apps and app versions in the IGEL App Portal in the Description and History tabs of the apps.

The component list of the IGEL OS Base System app can be found in the Description tab under Read More.

The changelog of the IGEL OS Base System app can be found in the History tab.

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