OpenVPN Session in IGEL OS12
This article shows how to configure the authentication of the OpenVPN session in IGEL OS.
Menu path: Network > VPN > OpenVPN > [OpenVPN Connection] > Session

OpenVPN server(s)
Name or public IP address of the OpenVPN server. You can enter multiple values separated by commas.
Authentication type
TLS-Certificates: Authentication with user certificate and private key.
Name/Password: Authentication with user name and password.
Name/Password with TLS-Certificates: Combines name/password with user certificate.
Static Key: Authentication with a private key. No PKI infrastructure is needed for this.
TLS Certificates Authentication Type
Persistent storage of files is possible in the folder /wfs
resp. subfolders of /wfs
Files stored under other paths will be lost when the device is rebooted.
Client certificate file
File with the client certificate. Enter a path relative to /wfs/OpenVPN
CA certificate file
File with the CA certificate. Enter a path relative to /wfs/OpenVPN
Private key file
File with the private key. Enter a path relative to /wfs/OpenVPN
Private key password
Password in case one is set for the private key.
If you have a PKCS#12 file which contains the client certificate, CA certificate and private key, always enter its name in the three file fields. The advantage lies in the fact that only a single file needs to be distributed.
When you leave the Private key password option empty, a password dialog pops up when you start your openvpn session to enter the password. On versions below OS 12.4.0, the password dialog only works for keys based on RSA. Starting from OS version 12.4.0, EC keys are also supported.
Name/Password Authentication Type
User name
User name - if you leave this field empty, the user will be asked for it when establishing a connection.
Password required
☑ The user must enter a password. (Default)
Password - if you leave this field empty, the user will be asked for it when establishing a connection.
CA certificate file
File with the CA certificate. Enter a path relative to /wfs/OpenVPN
Name/Password with TLS-Certificates Authentication Type
User name
User name - if you leave this field empty, the user will be asked for it when establishing a connection.
Password required
☑ The user must enter a password. (Default)
Password - if you leave this field empty, the user will be asked for it when establishing a connection.
Client certificate file
File with the user certificate. Enter a path relative to /wfs/OpenVPN
CA certificate file
File with the CA certificate. Enter a path relative to /wfs/OpenVPN
Private key file
File with the private key. Enter a path relative to /wfs/OpenVPN
Private key password
Password in case one is set for the private key.
If you have a PKCS#12 file which contains the user certificate, CA certificate and private key, always enter its name in the three file fields. The advantage lies in the fact that only a single file needs to be distributed.
Static Key Authentication Type
Private key file
File with the static key. Enter a path relative to /wfs/OpenVPN
Key Direction
None: No key direction. (Default)
0: If the default option is not used, one side of the connection should use Direction 0 and the other Direction 1.
1: If the default option is not used, one side of the connection should use Direction 0 and the other Direction 1.
Remote IP address
The VPN IP address of the server
Local IP address
The VPN IP address of the client