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Screenlock / Screensaver in IGEL OS 12

This article shows how to configure the starting methods for the screenlock and screensaver in IGEL OS. 

The automatic activation of the screensaver separate from the screenlock can be configured under Screenlock / Screensaver > Options. For details, see Screenloock/Screensaver Options in IGEL OS 12.

The look of the taskbar on the locked screen can be configured under Screenlock / Screensaver > Taskbar. For details, see Taskbar in Locked Screen in IGEL OS 12.

Menu path: User Interface > Desktop > Screenlock / Screensaver

You can configure the screenlock and screensaver to be activated via icons in the Quick Start Panel and on the desktop or via hotkey.

The starting methods parameters are described under Starting Methods for Apps

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