Desktop Settings in IGEL OS 12
This article shows how to configure general settings for the appearance of the desktop in IGEL OS.
Menu path: User Interface > Desktop

Local window manager for this display
☑ Enables local window management for the display. (Default)
User interface theme
You can either select one of our predefined color schemes or define a color scheme of your own.
IGEL color: The color of dialog frames and the taskbar is blue, headings and icons are white, highlights are light blue.
IGEL dark: The color of dialog frames and the taskbar is black, headings and icons are white, highlights are dark gray.
IGEL light: The color of dialog frames and the taskbar is light gray, headings and icons are black, highlights are dark grey.
Custom colors: Define your own color combinations below.
Base color of the UI theme: The color of dialog frames and the taskbar. Click the color preview square to open the color selector.
Highlight color of the UI theme: The color of highlights. Click the color preview square to open the color selector.
Icon and font color: The optimization can be selected based on custom colors.
Desktop icon size
The size of icons displayed on the desktop
Desktop icon font color
The font color for the labels associated with the desktop icons. Click the color preview square to open the color selector.
Monitor for desktop icons
If you use several monitors, select the one that is to display desktop icons.
All monitors
Same as taskbar
1st monitor
2nd monitor
(other monitors if connected)
Single click mode
☑ Programs are opened with a single click. (Default)
Desktop Fonts
Default font
The font type of texts appearing on the taskbar and in the start menu. The following fonts are available to choose from:
RobotoRegular (Default)
Sans Bold
Serif Bold
Default font size
The font size of texts appearing on the taskbar and in the start menu in pt (points).
Desktop icon font size
The font size of texts for desktop icons in pt (points).
Titlebar font
The font type of texts appering in titlebars. The following fonts are available to choose from:
RobotoBold (Default)
Sans bold
Serif Bold
Titlebar font size
The font size of texts appearing in titlebars in pt (points).