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Wake On LAN Settings in IGEL OS 12

With Wake-on-Lan (WoL), you can switch on devices over the network. This article shows how to configure the packets or messages with which the endpoint device can be started in IGEL OS.

For further information on the WoL functionality of the Universal Management Suite (UMS), see Wake on LAN Configuration in the IGEL UMS.

WoL via Docking Stations and USB-C-to-LAN adapters

When using the supported devices with USB-C docking, or USB-C-to-LAN adapters, WoL is only supported from suspend mode and not power off mode. For more details, see Devices Supported by IGEL OS 12 .

IGEL OS 12.3.2 or higher: WoL Setting in BIOS is Detected on Supported Lenovo Devices:

On Lenovo devices that are supported by IGEL OS 12, the system can detect whether WoL is enabled in the BIOS or not. If the system detects that WoL is disabled in the BIOS, all WoL described on this configuration page is disabled.

You can enable or disable the WoL detection with System > Registry > network > interfaces > respect_bios_wol_setting (registry key network.interfaces.respect_bios_wol_setting).

Menu path: Network > LAN Interfaces > [Interface] > Wake On LAN


Wake on magic packet

☑ The device can be started with a Wake-on-LAN magic packet. (Default)

Wake on ARP packet

☑ The device can be started with a Wake on ARP packet.

☐ The device cannot be started with a Wake on ARP packet. (Default)

Wake on broadcast message

☑ The device can be started with a Wake on broadcast message.

☐ The device cannot be started with a Wake on broadcast message. (Default)

Wake on multicast message

☑ The device can be started with a Wake on multicast message.

☐ The device cannot be started with a Wake on multicast message. (Default)

Wake on physical activity

☑ The device can be started with a physical activity.

☐ The device cannot be started with a physical activity. (Default)

Wake on unicast message

☑ The device can be started with a Wake on unicast message.

☐ The device cannot be started with a Wake on unicast message. (Default)

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