DHCP Options in IGEL OS 12
This article shows how to configure standard and custom DHCP options with which the client can request information from the DHCP server in IGEL OS.
Standard Options
Menu path: Network > DHCP Options > Standard Options

User class
A freely definable character string which can serve as a criterion for allocating specific settings for the DHCP server.
List of standard options
Options with which the client can request information from the DHCP server.
You will find information regarding the various DHCP options in RFC 2132 DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions.
To manage the list of options, proceed as follows:
to create a new entry.
to remove the selected entry.
to edit the selected entry.
to copy the selected entry.
Clicking brings up the Add dialogue, where you can define the following settings:
☑ The option is enabled. (Default)
Option name
The name of the option. Select from the list of predefined names.
Custom Options
Menu path: Network > DHCP Options > Custom Options

For more information regarding these options, see the manual for your DHCP server or your network components.
To manage the list of options, proceed as follows:
to create a new entry.
to remove the selected entry.
to edit the selected entry.
to copy the selected entry.
Clicking brings up the Add dialogue, where you can define the following settings:
☑ The option is enabled. (Default)
Option name
The name of the option. Add a prefix of your own in order to prevent a conflict with the default DHCP options. Example of the syntax: [YourPrefix]-[OptionName]
. English letters, numbers and the special character “-” are allowed.
A number that is used by the DHCP server and DHCP client to reference an option. A number between 80 and 254 can be chosen. (Default: 80)
Data type
Type of option.
Possible values:
Integer 8
Integer 16
Integer 32
Signed integer 8
Signed integer 16
Signed integer 32
Unsigned integer 8
Unsigned integer 16
Unsigned integer 32
IP address
Text (Default)