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How to Create Shortcuts to Tray Applications in IGEL OS 12

You can create shortcuts to run commands with the help of custom applications. For example, you can configure a custom application as a desktop shortcut to open a tray application dialog. For this, you can use the igel-system-tray CLI commands.

Profile with Tray App Shortcuts Configured as Custom Applications

You can find attached a OS 12 profile with examples of shortcuts for the tray applications available at the time of writing. You can import this profile as described in Exporting and Importing Profiles in the IGEL UMS Web App .

IGEL OS 12 Tray Applications Shortcuts.ipm

The profile comes with shortcuts in the start menu, the desktop and the desktop context menu. The shortcuts use the suitable icon for each app.

How to Create Shortcuts as Custom Application

To create a custom application and configure shortcuts:

  1. In the profile configurator, go to System > System Customization > Custom Application. For details, see Custom Application in IGEL OS 12 .

  1. Add a new custom application session and give it a name.

  1. Set the starting methods of the session according to your needs. For example, you can set a shortcut in the desktop context menu. For details, see Starting Methods for Apps .

  1. Under Settings > Icon large, set the icon to be displayed for the shortcut.

You can browse icons that are available in the system with the /usr/bin/yad-icon-browser command:


You can also use thegpicview command to check the images in a given directory, for example in /usr/share/icons:


The taskbar icon of a session cannot be customized and will remain the default icon.


  1. Under Settings > Command, enter the command you would like the custom application to perform.
    For example, set igel-system-tray- d input for opening the mouse tray app.

CLI of Tray Applications for Reference

igel-system-tray --help
  igel-system-tray [OPTION\u2026]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                 Show help options
  --help-all                 Show all help options
  --help-gapplication        Show GApplication options
  --help-gtk                 Show GTK+ Options

Application Options:
  -v, --version              Print application version and terminate
  -r, --reload               Reload the running system tray
  -e, --enable               Enable the given tray icon. Currently available: [audio, mobile_broadband, wifi, lan, battery, rmagent, printer, ums_status]
  -d, --dialog               Show dialog. Currently available: [display, display_advanced, audio, mobile_broadband, wifi, lan, battery, input, printer, ums_status]
  -m, --monitor-backend      Force a specific monitor backend, possible values are: randr (default),file. Backends can be configured by appending parameters with a ":", for example file backend needs an input parameter: --monitor-backend=file:input=/tmp/monitor.json
  -s, --screen               Set screen lock state: locked, unlocked
  -V, --verbose              Start in verbose mode
  --display=DISPLAY          X display to use
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