Access Control of the Display in IGEL OS
Menu path: Setup > User Interface > Screen > Access Control
In this area, you can control access to the screen. Thin client access control is enabled by default.
Disable console switching
☑ Access to your terminal screen is possible from any UNIX host. You can no longer access the console using [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [F11] or [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [F12].
☐ You can access the console using [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [F11] or [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [F12]. (default)
Access Control
☑ Access to this display from other computers will be controlled. This access control is enabled by default. (default)
Disable TCP connections
☐ All TCP connections to the display are prohibited. Only local applications are displayed. The xhost mechanism no longer functions.
This parameter is ignored if XDMCP is configured.
Fixed X-Key
☑ You can grant specific users permanent remote access to the thin client:
Click on Calculate.
A 32-digit key will appear in the X-Key field.Enter this key in the Xauthority file on the user’s computer.
List of trusted X hosts
Here, you can approve specific computers for console access:
Click on the Add button to open the entry mask.
Give the name of the remote host (not the IP address) you would like to add.
Confirm this by clicking OK.
The computer will be entered in the list.