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Creating the Custom Application

In the previous step, you have created a little application and executed it from the command line. Now make it more convenient for end-users: Create a custom application and place an icon on the desktop that users can click.

  1. In the Setup, go to System > Firmware Customization > Custom Application.

  2. In the Custom Applications list, click image-20240608-194609.png  to add an application.

    The Desktop Integration page opens.

  3. Enter Hello Application as the Session name.


  1. Click Apply.

  2. Go to Settings.

  3. Enter /custom/hello/ as the Command.


  1. Click OK.
    A Hello Application icon has appeared on the desktop.

  1. Double-click the icon.
    The "Hello" message window should open.


Next Step

>> Using a Partition Parameter

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