Configuring the OSCW Installer in Normal Mode
To provide the OSCW installer with the download source for the IGEL OS Creator file (ISO), we will create a profile that provides the path to that file. To assign the profile to the target machines, we will use a view that recognizes the target machines by their product ID.
The configuration comprises the following steps:
Creating a Profile
In the structure tree of the UMS Console, go to Profiles and open New Profile in the context menu.
In the New Profile dialog, change the settings as follows:
Profile Name: A name for the profile, e. g. "IGEL OS Creator for Windows - configuration"
Based on: Select "IGEL Unified Management Agent 1.01.100".
Click Ok.
The configuration dialog opens.
Click Converter.
You are taken to System > OSC > Converter where you can set all relevant parameters.
Change the settings as follows (click the
icon to enable the configuration; the icon will change to
Download URL of IGEL OS Creator: Enter
https://[IP address of your UMS Server]:8443/ums_filetransfer
/ orhttp://[IP address of your UMS Server]:9080/ums_filetransfer
Username: Enter the username for the UMS.
Password: Enter the password for the UMS user.
Click Save.
Creating a View to Select All Target Machines
The target machines must be selected in order to assign the profile to them. For the selection, a view will be used.
In the structure tree of the UMS Console, go to Views and select New View in the context menu.
Enter a name for the view, e. g. "IGEL OS Creator for Windows - target machines" and click Next.
On the Select criterion page, select Product ID and click Next.
On the Text search page, enter "OSCW" and click Next.
On the Create new view page, click Finish.
The number of matches is shown.Click Load devices to view the target machines.
The target machines are shown.
Assigning the Profile to the Target Machines
Select the view you have created beforehand and select Assign objects to the devices of the view .....
In the Assign objects dialog, select the profile you have created beforehand, click
to assign it and then click Ok.
In the Update time dialog, select Now and click Ok.
Confirm the Information dialog.
The target machines download the ISO file. This may take a few minutes.
Monitoring the Process
In the structure tree of the UMS, open the context menu of one of the target machines and select Other commands > Refresh system information.
In the dialog, click Refresh system information and then
from time to time.
In the Attribute area, under Firmware Description, the current status of the OSC installation is shown.
When a device is ready, the value of Firmware Description changes to "IGEL OSC Ready for Conversion".
When Firmware Description reads "IGEL OSC Ready for Conversion", continue with Starting the Conversion 1.
Check List
The conversion profile is assigned to all target machines.
All target machines have downloaded the IGEL OS 11 Creator (ISO), which is indicated by the Firmware Description "IGEL OS Ready for Conversion".