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Appliance Mode

Menu path: Sessions > Appliance Mode

In the appliance mode, only one specific session is accessible. You can activate the appliance mode for one of the following session types (if available on your system):

The system hotkey [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[s] for launching the setup application does not work in the appliance mode. Use [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F2] instead.

You can set up a hotkey to start quick setup in appliance mode.

By default, access to other applications is not possible in appliance mode. However, these applications can be made available by activating Appliance Mode Access at the corresponding Desktop Integration page:

Additionally, the in-session control bar can be used in an appliance mode session. With the in-session control bar, the user can eject a USB drive, start the wireless manager, start the Mobile Device Access USB tool and end the session. For further information, see In-Session Control Bar.

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