How to Get an ALD Token from the IGEL License Portal
When you have received the Delivery Token from your reseller, you are ready to get your ALD Token from the IGEL License Portal (ILP). With the ALD Token, you can deploy licenses to your devices automatically using the UMS.
Log in at the IGEL License Portal: If you have not registered yet, you must register first. Your dashboard is shown.
If your order has been delivered before 09/2021, select Register Delivery Token. If your order is newer, find it under Orders, select the details and continue with step 5.
Enter the Delivery Token you received from your reseller.
Confirm the EULA and click Send.
The page Order Details is shown. It contains one or more subscriptions which are identified by subscription keys.
Open the management dialog for the subscription key that contains the licenses you want to generate.
The management dialog opens.
Click Generate ALD Token.
In the confirmation dialog, click Yes. The ALD Token is generated.
Click to copy the ALD Token to your clipboard and store it for later use.
Note on the Delete ALD Token button: When you click Delete ALD Token, your current token will become invalid and a new token will be generated. This function should be used in urgent cases only, e.g. if your token has been exposed.