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How to Set up a Connection to the License Server

You can connect to the license server either directly or using a proxy server.

Using a direct connection

  1. Log in to the UMS console.

  2. Go to UMS Administration > Licenses > Deployment.

  3. Make sure that Used proxy server is empty. If not, click Edit proxy configuration, select No proxy server and then Save.

  4. Click Test connection to check if the connection works.

  1. Continue with Registering an ALD Token.

Using a proxy server

If you have already configured an appropriate proxy server:

  1. Log in to the UMS console.

  2. Go to UMS Administration > Licenses > Deployment.

  3. Click Edit proxy configuration to check or change the proxy to be used for automatic license deployment.

  4. Click Test connection to check if the connection works.

  1. Continue with Registering an ALD Token.

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