You can move a license from one device to another device by removing it from device A and then assigning it to device B.
Feature Requires License
License portability requires a valid subscription. This applies to both IGEL OS 11 and IGEL OS 12. When the subscription expires, licenses cannot be moved between devices anymore.
Remove the License from Device A
Log in to the IGEL License Portal (ILP): If you have not registered yet, you must register first. Your dashboard is shown.
In the list of Product Packs, find the Product Pack from which you want to move a license to another device.
Click in the appropriate list entry to open the management dialog. The management dialog opens.
Click Remove hardware.
Select the device from which you want to remove the license, confirm I have read T&C..., and click OK.
The license count of the Product Pack is decreased by 1. The license is no longer valid for this device and can be assigned to another device.
Assign the License to Device B
Click Add hardware.
Click the symbol to add a unit ID.
Enter the unit ID and click OK.
The new device license is shown.
Press OK.
The license count of the Product Pack is increased by 1. The license is now assigned to the new device.
Check the Result
On the management dialog of your Product Pack, click Show hardware.
Check the symbols under Activated.
means that the hardware is activated;
means that the hardware is deactivated.
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