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Software Releases Overview

Code-level maintenance for software releases is typically delivered in form of Major Version updates, Stable Releases, Rolling Releases (since IGEL OS 11.07), or Private Builds.

Stable Releases and Rolling Releases are publicly available interim releases.

Rolling Releases are offered with a rough cadence of three weeks and include all current bug fixes, added features, and client updates. This includes any new content that has been provided via Private Build within that timeframe.

Stable Releases, Roling Releases, and Private Builds are based on the latest Major Version.

When an updated Major Version is released, it will replace all the previous firmware versions unless otherwise noted by IGEL.

Dead End Release is a special kind of Private Build. IGEL Support is provided like with regular Private Builds.*   

Supported by IGEL Support

Passed Quality Assurance Run

Can Be Used in a Productive Environment

Download from Public Server / UMS Universal Firmware Update Possible

Guarantee for Subsequent Releases

Major Version

Stable Release

Rolling Release

(QA includes all modified components, but not the base system)

Private Build

Only if scheduled for the public download (QA includes all modified components, but not the base system)

only if it fixes a general problem

Dead End Release

Important: No support for the upgrade from IGEL OS 10 to IGEL OS 11

Release Candidate

Technology Preview

See also Versioning Scheme for IGEL OS 11 to IGEL OS 12.01

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