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Versioning Scheme for IGEL OS 11 to IGEL OS 12.01

In the following, you will learn what the identification number of your IGEL software means.

See also Software Releases Overview.

Major Version 


...means a generally and publicly available version of the software that

  • includes functional enhancements and improvements

  • fixes bugs and defects

  • is counted by the first number by the left

Release Version


...indicates a stable release within one major version. A release version exists always in connection with a stable release. 

It is counted by the second number by the left.

Stable Release


...means a generally and publicly available version of the software that

  • includes a limited number of new functionalities

  • fixes errors and defects

  • is counted by the last number in steps of 100

Rolling Release


...means a generally and publicly available version of the software that

  • includes a limited number of new functionalities

  • fixes errors and defects

  • is counted by the last number in steps of 10

Private Build 


...means a version with limited availability unless it includes a fix for common and widespread problems. A Private Build

  • contains very little or no new functionality

  • fixes for bugs and defects

  • is counted by the last number in steps of 1

Dead End Release


...means that the version is not publicly available and no subsequent versions based on it will be available. A Dead End Release 

  • contains only new functionality

  • fixes for bugs and defects explicitly required by a customer

  • is indicated by the addition "DER" after the last decimal point

Release Candidate


...means a not publicly available version that is still under development. A Release Candidate

  • is a trial version and is not supported by IGEL

  • is identified by the addition "rc[1 ... n]" after the last decimal point

Technology Preview


...means a preview of software that is under development. A Technology Preview

  • is a preview version only and is not supported

  • has a special contact channel for inquiries specifically for this version

  • is identified by the addition "tp[1 ... n]" after the last decimal point

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