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Symbol Bar

In the symbol bar, you will find buttons for frequently used commands:



Navigate one step forwards or backwards in the console history.

This only relates to the view; actions cannot be undone.

Refresh the view and status of the devices


Online check of the devices

ICON_UMS_Scan for TCs

Search for devices within the network

Change object names in the structure tree

Delete objects in the structure tree


Specify access rights for selected objects


Cut a tree element


Copy a tree element into the clipboard

Paste a tree element from the clipboard


Save the edited description data for devices or profiles


Edit configuration parameters for devices or profiles


Open the IGEL UMS Web App.


Find objects in the structure tree using a name, MAC, IP, or ID.

Regular expressions (Regex) can be used, the user's last 20 search queries are saved.

Navigate one step forwards or backwards in the search results

Case sensitive

Specify whether upper and lowercase letters are taken into account when searching


Specify whether regular expressions are used when searching

Whole text

Specify whether the search expression needs to match the entire text or only part of it

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