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Import with Short Format

The short format provides the information required for the import and assignment to a profile. The import file should be UTF-8 encoded.

  • Unit ID: If the device is an IGEL device or a device converted with UDC3 or IGEL OS Creator (OSC), the unit ID is identical to the MAC address of the device. If the device is a UD Pocket, the unit ID is hard-wired into the UD Pocket's USB flash drive.

  • Name: Device name.

  • The maximal length of the device name is restricted to 15 characters if Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed is enabled under UMS Console > UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Device Network Settings.

  • The length of the device name is not restricted if Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed and Naming Convention are not activated under UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Device Network Settings.

  • Each device name will be automatically overwritten in compliance with the naming convention, even if Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed is enabled, in case Enable naming convention is activated under UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Device Network Settings.

See also Device Network Settings for the IGEL UMS .

  • Firmware ID: ID of the firmware installed on the device.

The ID of a firmware version already registered can be found via Misc > Firmware Statistics.

  • Profile Assignments: ID of the assigned profile or a list of IDs separated by commas if a number of profiles are to be assigned to the device.

You can remove a profile assignment already made by placing an exclamation mark in front of the profile ID. Example: !12

The ID of a profile is shown in the description data and in the tooltip for the profile.

Code Example




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