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Importing Devices

You can make devices known to the UMS before the devices are physically available in the network. This allows you to specify editable attributes such as department or cost center. To do this, import the devices’ data from a CSV file.

In order for devices to be registered fully, the devices’ firmware data must be available in the UMS. Further information can be found under How to Import Firmwares in the IGEL UMS.

To import devices, proceed as follows:

  1. Configure your DHCP and DNS server as described in Registering Devices Automatically on the IGEL UMS, step 2.

  2. Select System > Import > Import Devices.

  3. Click on Open File and select the file.

  4. Select the relevant format, i.e. the format of the data.

  5. If entries are flagged as erroneous, click on Clear to delete all messages from the window.

  6. Click on Import devices to launch the import procedure.

To correct erroneous entries, proceed as follows:

→ Change the entries highlighted in red with the following editing functions:

  • [Ctrl-C] and [Ctrl-V] for copying and pasting a highlighted row

  • [Del/Ctrl-X ] for deleting a highlighted row

  • [Return/Enter ] inserts an additional row under a field.

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