More detailed information about the function can be found on the Fabulatech partner site:


To use the FabulaTech Webcam redirection, the following apps must be installed and configured as well:

  • FabulaTech Plugins

How to Disable or Enable the Webcam Redirection

  1. In the profile configurator, go to Apps > FabulaTech Webcam for Remote Desktop > Settings.

  2. Change the settings as required.

FabulaTech Webcam for Remote Desktop

 Fabulatech Webcam redirection is enabled for the sessions that are enabled in the FabulaTech Plugins app. (Default)

 Fabulatech Webcam redirection is disabled.

Maximum framerate

The maximum framerate can be defined on a 1-30 scale. (Default: 30)

Increased log output

The information written into the log file is increased. 

The information written into the log file is set to minimal. (Default)