A unit ID list (list of hardware identifiers) is needed to issue UDC3 licenses. To obtain such a list, do the following:
  1. In the UMS, go to UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Licenses > Thin Client Licenses.

    With UMS version 5.06.100 or older, the menu path is System > License Management.
  2. Click Export Unit ID list.
  3. In the Export Unit ID list wizard, select the filter that is appropriate for your purpose. For instance, if you want to get licenses for all UDC3 devices, select Export all Unit IDs of IGEL UDC3 devices without valid Maintenance Subscription. If you need a more sophisticated selection, create an appropriate view, select Export all Unit IDs from a view, and then select the view you have created. For more information about views, see the Views section in the UMS manual.
  4. Click Next.
    A list of all devices that will be included in the list is shown.
  5. Click Export.
  6. Enter a file name and save the CSV file.