How to Keep Your IGEL OS 12 System up to Date
Software updates fix newly discovered vulnerabilities in the IGEL OS Base System and the apps installed. This means that keeping up with updates is one of the most important measures in securing IGEL OS systems.
Your devices are managed by the Universal Management Suite (UMS) 12
Your Universal Management Suite (UMS) has access to the IGEL App Portal. It must be registered for this; see Registering the UMS.
Your devices have valid licenses
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Before You Begin
As the steps for the Base System differ from those for the other apps, the procedure is as follows:
Setting the UMS to Update Regularly
To ensure you have every version of your apps available in the UMS, we will set the UMS to import new versions automatically.
Follow these steps for each app installed on your devices. We will use the Base System as an example.
In your UMS Web App, go to APPS and then open the Update Settings.

Enable Check for updates and auto-import into UMS and Update Default Version manually.

The UMS is now kept always up-to-date. The latest software versions are imported automatically. As Update Default Version manually is selected, the updates are not automatically rolled out to the devices.
The default interval for update checks is 120 minutes. You can configure the interval via Settings > Automatic Updates:

House Keeping: Delete Older, Unused Versions Regularly
If you have configured your UMS to import every new version of your imported apps, as described above, you should dispose of older, unused versions. It is recommended to do this regularly.
→ In your UMS Web App, go to the app version in question and clickto remove it.

Setting up a Test Directory
It is highly recommended that test devices be put into a separate directory.
In your UMS Web App, go to DEVICES and create a directory for your test devices, e.g., "Update test”.

Find your test devices and put them into the new test directory using drag & drop.

Keeping the Base System up to Date
Testing the Base System Updates on One or a Few Devices
To prepare for testing the Base System update, we will proceed in two steps:
Create a test profile to be able to activate or configure new features, e.g. security features of the new Base System version
Assign the new Base System version explicitly to the test devices
Creating the Test Profile
To create a test profile, we will duplicate the productive profile by exporting and re-importing it.
In your UMS Web App, go to the Configuration Objects and then find the relevant profile.

Click Export Profile and save the file on your machine.

and import the file.

The imported profile is displayed underneath the original profile. The imported profile can be distinguished from the original one by its ID, which is higher.

Select the imported profile, and click
to change the name appropriately.

Set the app version of the test profile to the target version.

Assigning the Profiles to the Test Devices
Find your test devices and detach the relevant productive profiles from each test device.

Assign the test profile to your test directory.

Assigning the New Base System Version to the Devices
Go to each of your test devices and check under Assigned Objects if a version of the IGEL OS Base System is assigned to the device.

Move your mouse to the right side of the IGEL OS Base System entry; if a Detach object button (
) appears, click it and confirm your change.

Go to the test directory and click Assign Object.

In the dialog Assign Object to Directory, choose the desired version of the IGEL OS Base System and assign it to the directory.

After a dialog timeout, the devices update to the new version of the IGEL OS Base System. You can perform your tests as appropriate.
Rolling out the Base System Update on All Devices
Go to your productive profile and ensure it is set to use the default version of the app.

In the apps section, select the app to be updated, and click Set Default Version.

Set the default version to the version you have tested successfully.

Choose whether the update should take place immediately or on the next reboot.

On reboot, the devices update their Base System to the default version.
Keeping the Other Apps up to Date
Testing the App Updates on One or a Few Devices
Go to each of your test devices and check under Assigned Objects if a version of the app is assigned to the device.

Move your mouse to the right side of the app’s entry; if a Detach object button (
) appears, click it and confirm your change.

Go to the test directory and click Assign Object.

In the dialog Assign Object to Directory, choose the desired version of the app and assign it to the directory.

After a dialog timeout, the device reboots to install the new version of the app. You can perform your tests as appropriate.
Rolling out the App Update on All Devices
In the apps section, select the app to be updated, and click Set Default Version.

Set the default version to the version you have tested successfully.

Choose whether the update should take place immediately or on the next reboot.

Go to the directory that contains your productive devices and click Assign Object.

On reboot, the devices update their app to the new version.