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My Licenses Have Expired - What Can I Do?

What Are the Consequences of an Expired Maintenance or Subscription?

Perpetual Licenses (Maintenance Expired)

When the Maintenance for a perpetual license expires, you will lose access to the following:

In addition, a reinstatement fee will be added to the renewal price when the Maintenance has already expired before the purchase order has been issued.

The following licenses are perpetual:

  • Workspace Edition

  • 90meters smartcard middleware

  • Ericom PowerTerm

Non-perpetual Licenses (Subscription)

The functionality that had been licensed is no longer available.

The following licenses are non-perpetual:

  • Enterprise Management Pack

  • PCoIP client by Teradici

Which Options Do I Have Now?

  • Renewal for 1, 2, or 3 years: To order a renewal, contact your IGEL reseller.

  • Co-terming several Product Packs (with or without merging) to one common expiration date: Contact For details about merging, see How to Merge IGEL Product Packs.

  • Trade in UDC3/UDP licenses and convert them to OS11 licenses. When the licenses are converted, they can be co-termed. For details about the trade-in program, see The IGEL OS 11 Migration Plan.

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