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How to Check the Current State of the IGEL UMS Server through Your Existing Monitoring Solution

IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) includes a monitoring endpoint solution, which you can integrate into your existing monitoring infrastructure (e.g. Nagios, SolarWinds, Paessler, Logic Monitor, Sensu, etc.). With the monitoring endpoint, you can check the process/service states for the IGEL UMS Server and, thus, react accordingly if any problems are detected.

IGEL Environment

  • IGEL UMS 6.09.100 or higher

How to Request the Current Status of the UMS Server

Use the following requests to check the status of the UMS Server. If you use a browser for this purpose and the UMS deploys a self-signed certificate, the browser may display a security/certificate warning. Accept the risk and continue, or make the certificate known to the browser.




The following responses are possible:

  • If the (check status) service is up and running, HTTP status code 200 is returned. The response body contains a JSON document with information on the UMS Server status: 
    {“status”: ”init|ok|warn|err”}

    For the details, see Monitoring the UMS Server: Possible Statuses below. 


  • If the check status service is not reachable, HTTP status code 404 is returned.

  • Other common HTTP status codes indicating standard HTTP errors might occur.

Note that the status of the server updates every minute. For performance reasons, the status is NOT recalculated on each monitoring request, i.e., if a monitoring request is received, but a one-minute interval is not over, the previously saved server status will be shown.

 Monitoring the UMS Server: Possible Statuses

The response statuses returned during the monitoring of the UMS Server indicate the following situations:


The server is up and running.




Server initialization has not been completed yet.

Note: If the initialization process is not finished within 120 seconds, the status automatically changes to err.

Related Topics

How to Monitor the IGEL Cloud Gateway

Monitoring Device Health and Searching for Lost Devices

UMS HA Health Check - Analyse Your IGEL UMS High Availability and Distributed UMS Systems

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