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What is New - Knowledge Base Updates for IGEL UMS 12.04.120

In this article you will find a summary of documentation updates with direct links to the updated articles. 

You will find the release notes for IGEL Universal Management Suite 12 both as a text file in the same folder as the installation programs on our download server.

Before the installation / update of the IGEL UMS, please read the documentation How to start with IGEL.
You cannot manage IGEL OS 12 devices without the UMS Web App. Thus, the UMS Web App must be selected during the installation of the UMS.

Reverse Proxy / Load Balancer Example Configurations

Example configurations with the use of third party reverse proxies got updated. For more information, see:

Migrate from HA UMS to Standalone UMS

Description added to perform the migration. For details, see How to Migrate a UMS High Availability Installation to a Standalone UMS .

HA Migration Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting IPv6 setting added. For details, see Troubleshooting: UMS 12 HA Not Working After Upgrade .

Heartbeat Interval Configuration

The Heartbeat signal offset is configurable now and for the Heartbeat interval greater values can be specified. For details, see Monitoring Device Health and Searching for Lost Devices in the IGEL UMS and Device Network Settings for the IGEL UMS.

Adjusting Names of Devices

A new option  was added to force setting the network name of a device from UMS-internal name. For details, see Device Network Settings for the IGEL UMS and How to Rename IGEL OS Devices.

Configuration Guide for Environments with Limited Internet Access

A new article added to support configurations and use of the IGEL products with limited internet access. For details, see How to Start with IGEL with Limited or No Internet Access .

UMS Web App

Automatic Cleanup of App Versions

The UMS App Proxy does an automatic cleanup of the local cache once a week to keep the disc space used small. This can be enabled/disabled under Apps > Settings. For details, see Configuring Global Settings for the Update of IGEL OS Apps .

Block Downloading from the IGEL App Portal

A parameter is added to block devices from using public app portal as download source. This can be enabled/disabled under Apps > Settings. For details, see Configuring Global Settings for the Update of IGEL OS Apps .

Unified App Import Button

The app upload feature was unified and the behavior got improved. For details, see How to Export and Upload Apps to the IGEL UMS .

Availability of App Metadata and Binaries

The availability of app metadata and binaries can be checked now in the Versions tab of the app. For details, see Apps - Import and Configure Apps for IGEL OS 12 Devices via the IGEL UMS Web App .

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