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IGEL UMS Sizing Guidelines & Architecture Diagrams

The following sizing guidelines are intended to support you with setting up the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) environment – UMS Server, UMS Console & UMS Web App, database, and, if required, load balancer and ICG instances.

General Installation Recommendations

For small installations, a single UMS Server instance (standard UMS) with an embedded database is usually sufficient. If required, a single-instance installation can be easily extended anytime to a Distributed UMS installation by installing additional servers (and in the case of an embedded database, by switching preliminarily to an external data source).

Large installations should use either the UMS High Availability or the Distributed UMS (preferable for new installations, e.g. because you do not have to configure additional firewall exclusions). For large installations, it is also recommended to use DNS-Round-Robin load balancing or IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) .

For more information, see IGEL UMS Installation.

Installation Size


#UMS Server Host (+ Load Balancer)

UMS Server 

UMS Console Standalone 

#Load Balancer Standalone

Load Balancer Standalone 




< 5.000

1 server

(+ 2 GB for UMS Web App)  

4 CPUs

25 GB free disk space


3 GB RAM  

2 CPUs 

1 GB free disk space

Embedded database

1 ICG instance per 2,500 devices 


Server generally:
2 CPUs
20 GB free disk space

Only ICG service:
2 CPUs 
2 GB free disk space


< 15.000

1 server

(+ 2 GB for UMS Web App)  

4 CPUs

25 GB free disk space


3 GB RAM  

2 CPUs 

1 GB free disk space

External database  

10 GB  

M / S (HA or Distributed UMS)

< 15.000

2 servers  

2 load balancers

9 GB RAM  
(+ 2 GB for UMS Web App)  

6 CPUs 

25 GB free disk space 


3 GB RAM  

2 CPUs 

1 GB free disk space

External database  

10 GB

L (HA or Distributed UMS)

< 50.000

2 servers  

2 load balancers

6 GB RAM***  
(+ 2 GB for UMS Web App)  

4 CPUs 

25 GB free disk space


3 GB RAM  

2 CPUs 

1 GB free disk space

External database  

10 GB

XL (HA or Distributed UMS)****

< 300.000

Up to 6 servers
(1 server / 50,000 devices)  

9 GB RAM  
(+ 2 GB for UMS Web App)  

6 CPUs 

25 GB free disk space


6 GB RAM  

4 CPUs 

1 GB free disk space

Up to 3 Load Balancer  
(1 LB / 3 Server)


4 CPUs 

2 GB free disk space

External database 

20 GB   

* UMS Console can be installed on UMS Server host. 

** Follow the recommendation of the external database system on RAM and CPU. 

*** RAM and CPU requirements are less than in the case of M / S (HA) installation since the UMS Console is installed on a separate host machine (UMS Console Standalone = Mandatory).

**** General recommendation: 1 UMS Server per 50,000 devices, 1 load balancer for 3 UMS Servers.  

For the architecture diagrams of the installations, see:

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