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WLAN and Bluetooth Module (If Available)

This section is only relevant if your UD7 device has optional Intel® 9260 Wireless-AC WLAN and Bluetooth, which is installed ex-factory only. 

  1. Remove the screw (1).

  2. Remove the plastic cover (2).

  3. Disconnect the antenna cable (A1) from the AUX jack (marked on the WLAN and Bluetooth module as 1) and the antenna cable (A2) from the MAIN jack (marked on the module as 2). 

  4. Remove the WLAN and Bluetooth module (3).

  5. Detach the tape (4) that fixes the antenna cables.

  6. Release the antenna cable (A1).

  7. Release the antenna cable (A2).

  8. Remove the mainboard and chassis, see Mainboard and Rear Outer Casing 2 and Bottom Cover and Chassis.

  9. Remove the PCB antennas.

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