1. Upload your logo to the UMS server; see Uploading a Picture.
  2. Create a new profile named Bootlogo; seeCreating a Profile.
  3. In the profile configuration window, click System > Firmware Customization > Corporate Design > Custom Bootsplash to create your own bootsplash.

    Custom Bootsplash Server Location

  4. Activate Enable Custom Bootsplash.
  5. Choose HTTP as Protocol.
  6. Enter the Server Name of your UMS server.
  7. Enter the path of your boot logo directory as Server Path.
  8. Specify your HTTP server port under Port.

    The default UMS HTTP server port is 9080.

  9. Enter your UMS administrator User Name and Password.

    Custom Bootsplash Settings

  10. Enter the name of your logo image in Custom Bootsplash file.

    The optimum size of the picture is 800 x 600 pixels.
  11. Apply vertical and horizontal position for the image and progress indicator.
    The scale goes from 0 (left) to 100 (right); the default setting is 50 (centered).
  12. Save the settings.
  13. Assign the profile to your devices by dragging and dropping it or by adding it under Assigned objects.
After changing the image file or any setting of an existing custom bootsplash, the bootsplash code has to be rebuilt. You can trigger this from UMS via Jobs > New Scheduled Job with the command Update desktop customization.