Menu path: Sessions > Chromium Browser > Chromium Browser Global > Smartcard Middleware

In this area, you can activate or deactivate smartcard middleware that is to be used for encryption.

Coolkey security device

☑  Coolkey will be used for encryption.

☐  Coolkey will be not used for encryption.

OpenSC security device

☑  OpenSC will be used for encryption.

☐  OpenSC will not be used for encryption.

Use a custom security device

☑  The PKCS#11 module stored under the Path to the library is used.

☐  The custom security device will not be used for encryption.

Name of the security device: Name of the custom security device that uses the library specified under Path to the library

Path to the library: Path to the custom PKCS#11 module

In case of the installation of a custom PKCS#11 library, the file(s) must be placed on the endpoint device either via UMS file transfer or via Custom Partition (System > Firmware Customization > Custom Partition).

The use of the /wfs folder is NOT recommended because of its space limit.