We are excited to announce a significant upgrade to our internal knowledge management system. In our ongoing commitment to provide excellent service and support, we will migrate our knowledge base from Confluence On-Premises to Atlassian Cloud. This transition is scheduled to commence in the next two weeks and is expected to enhance both the functionality and accessibility of our resources.

Schedule and Access Restrictions

The migration is expected to take 14 days, starting on the 21st of May. 

Why this Migration?

The move to the cloud is a strategic step to improve our services. Cloud technology will allow us to be more resilient and have faster access times, which will increase our overall efficiency and quality of service.

What Does This Mean for You?

During the migration phase, we ask for your understanding and patience. We will endeavor to carry out the migration as smoothly and quickly as possible. If you have any urgent concerns or require information during the migration, we will of course be at your disposal. Please contact us via the feedback button, we will be happy to help you.

Post-Migration Enhancements

Upon completion of the migration, you will regain full access to all features of the knowledge base, along with some exciting new functionalities designed to improve your user experience. These enhancements include faster access speeds, more intuitive navigation, and additional tools for data analysis. We will notify you as soon as the upgraded system is operational.

We thank you for your understanding and support during this important phase of improving our services. We realize this phase may cause some inconvenience and greatly appreciate your patience and cooperation.

Your IGEL Knowledge Base Team