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Local User Login in IGEL OS 12

This article shows how to configure the local login authentication in IGEL OS.

If several login methods are enabled, the login method can be selected on the login screen.

Menu path: Security > Logon > Local User

Login with local user password

☑ Upon the start of the device, a login screen is shown and authentication with a local user password is required. The password specified under Password is deployed to log in.

☐ No authentication is required upon device startup. (Default)


The password deployed to log in. This password is also required for unlocking the screen if the Require password to unlock (screenlock) option is enabled under User Interface > Screenlock / Screensaver > Options. For more information, see Options .

If the login method is configured and the Allow system logoff option is enabled under System > Power Options > Shutdown, the user can log off the device through the shutdown menu. For information on how to access the shutdown menu, see Commands Session in IGEL OS 12 . For information on how to configure the shutdown menu, see Shutdown Settings in IGEL OS 12.

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