Menu path: Structure Tree > Views > Context Menu > New View

In the following example, a view which covers all devices with IGEL OS whose firmware version is lower than 11.01.100 is created. With this view, you can determine which devices are to receive an upgrade.

  1. Click on Views in the structure tree.
  2. Select New View in the context menu.
  3. Under Name, give a suitable name for the view, e.g. UDLX Update.
  4. Click on Next.
  5. In the Select search parameter window, select the parameter Firmware Version.
  6. Click on Next.
  7. In the Version search window, select the below option under Version number and enter 11.01.100 in the text box.
  8. Click on Next.
  9. In the Finish view criterion window, select the Narrow search criterion (AND) option.
  10. Click on Next.
  11. In the Select criterion window, select the parameter Product ID.
  12. In the Text search window, enter the text UD.*LX.* and enable Use regular expression.
  13. Click on Next.
  14. Click on Finish.
    The result is shown in the content panel.

If you want to change the view, e.g. in order to add further criteria, select Edit view in the context menu.