This article shows how to configure the taskbar for the login dialog and for when the screen is locked in IGEL OS.

Menu path: Security > Logon > Taskbar

Taskbar Settings for the Login Dialog

Show taskbar in login screen

 A taskbar is shown in the login screen. (Default)

Show clock

 A clock is shown in the taskbar in the login screen. (Default)

Show keyboard layout switcher

 A keyboard layout switcher is shown in the taskbar in the login screen. (Default)

Show on-screen keyboard button

 A button to start an on-screen keyboard is shown in the taskbar in the login screen.

 The button is not shown. (Default)

Start on-screen keyboard automatically

 The on-screen keyboard is started automatically with the login screen.

 The on-screen keyboard is not started automatically. (Default)

Show reboot button

 Reboot button is shown in the taskbar in the login screen.

 The button is not shown. (Default)

Show shutdown button

 Shutdown button is shown in the taskbar in the login screen. (Default)

Taskbar Settings When the Screenlock Is Active

Show taskbar in screenlock

 A taskbar is shown when the screen is locked. (Default)

Show clock

 A clock is shown in the taskbar when the screen is locked. (Default)

Show keyboard layout switcher

 A keyboard layout switcher is shown in the taskbar when the screen is locked. (Default)

Show on-screen keyboard button

 A button to start an on-screen keyboard is shown in the taskbar when the screen is locked.

 The button is not shown. (Default)

Start on-screen keyboard automatically

 The on-screen keyboard is started automatically when the screen is locked.

 The on-screen keyboard is not started automatically. (Default)

Show reboot button

 Reboot button is shown in the taskbar when the screen is locked.

 The button is not shown. (Default)

Show shutdown button

 Shutdown button is shown in the taskbar when the screen is locked.

 The button is not shown. (Default)

Show logoff button

 Logoff button is shown in the taskbar when the screen is locked.

 The button is not shown. (Default)