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What is New - Knowledge Base Updates for IGEL OS 12.6.0

User Notifications

To allow seamless operation for your users, you can control the visibility of user notifications on the device. For details, see Notification - User Notifications in IGEL OS 12 .

Auto Logon with Active Directory (AD) / Kerberos

You can set devices to log in automatically with AD/Kerberos. For details, seeActive Directory/Kerberos - Enable Login in IGEL OS 12.

Webcam Can Now Be Selected

You can now use the Webcam Information tool to select a camera, for instance, to switch between the internal camera and an external camera. For details, see Webcam Information in IGEL OS 12.

App Installation and Update with or without User Interference

You can fine-tune the user interference caused by the update or installation of apps. For details, see Update - App Update Settings in IGEL OS 12.

Updates and Custom Commands Triggered by a Timer

You can set timers on the device to execute app installations/updates and custom commands at a given time and date, For details, see Custom CronJob/Systemd Timer in IGEL OS 12.

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