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Renewing a Maintenance / Subscription in the IGEL License Portal (ILP)

When your IGEL software license order has been processed, you receive a notification e-mail from the IGEL Support team. You can then go to the IGEL License Portal (ILP) and redeem your renewals.

The procedure for renewing a maintenance for a perpetual license is the same as the procedure for renewing a non-perpetual license.

The following cases are described below:

  • Typical case: You have ordered a renewal for all licenses that belong to a Subscription Key. In this case, no further action is required. To check if the renewal has been applied correctly, proceed with Typical Renewal.

  • When you have ordered renewals for only a subset of licenses, please note that you can only renew all licenses in a Product Pack, not just part of them. Hence, the procedure depends on how your licenses are organized:

Typical Renewal/Migration

When you have ordered a renewal for all Product Packs that belong to a Subscription Key, no further action is required.

If you want to check your renewal:

  1. Login to the ILP and go to Subscription Keys.

  2. On the Subscription Keys page, check the Expiration Date for the relevant Subscription Key.

Renewal/Migration that Comprises Only Some Product Packs

  1. Login to the ILP and go to Subscription Keys.

  2. If your license renewal is also a license migration to COSMOS PAS: Check if the number of EMP licenses within the relevant Subscription Key is at least as high as the number of licenses you want to renew/migrate. If not, you have to create EMP licenses from the WE licenses within your Subscription Key. For instructions, see How to Use IGEL OS 11 with IGEL Subscription - Create an EMP Product Pack from a WE Product Pack.

  3. On the Subscription Keys page, click Redeem Renewal (only clickable if you have a renewal to redeem).

  4. Select the renewal you want to redeem and click Next.

  5. Select the Product Packs you want to renew. Please note that the Product Pack's number of licenses must match the renewals' number of licenses.

If none of your Product Packs reflects the number of licenses you want to renew, you need to split your licenses accordingly before redeeming the renewal.

When you are done, click Finish.


The selected Product Packs are renewed. The Product Packs that were associated with the same Subscription Key but have not been renewed are decoupled from the Subscription Key. As long as they have not reached their expiration date, they can be still used. But it is not possible to assign them back to the Subscription Key or renew them. On the Product Packs page, you can identify these Product Packs by the missing Subscription Key:


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