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Essential IGEL Licensing FAQ

What Is the IGEL License Portal (ILP) – Why Do I Need It?

The IGEL License Portal (ILP) is the core service for IGEL license handling. All purchased IGEL licenses are available in the ILP – ready to use. For web access, go to

I Am a New Customer, How Do I Access the ILP?

Once you purchase licenses, an ILP account is automatically generated based on the company details on the invoice. Your licenses are stored here.

For more details, refer to How Do I Access My Purchased Licenses?

Do I Have to Accept a EULA?

Yes, you must accept the IGEL EULA (End User License Agreement) each time an order has been delivered to you. You can do this in the IGEL License Portal (ILP) under Orders or, alternatively, under Order Details (click image-20240718-161446.png on the Orders pages), or in the management dialog of a Product Pack that is contained in your order (go to Product Packs, then click Manage). Note that accepting the EULA from only one Product Pack's management dialog is sufficient, as the acceptance will include all other Product Packs of the same order.

If you have ordered third-party licenses, you may have to accept a specific EULA for the relevant Product Packs. As of 01/2022, this is valid for Teradici licenses. Third-party EULAs must be accepted separately for each Product Pack.

I Am an Existing Customer, Purchasing Additional Licenses, What Do I Do?

New licenses, once processed by order management, will be stored in your company ILP account. For license renewals, the end date and status will be updated and visible on ILP once the order has been processed.

I Am a Reseller, Partner, or External Licenses Manager, What Do I Do?

  • Provide the customer with the Global Account ID or the Subscription Key(s) to identify their licenses in ILP.

  • Route new customers to and advise them to register for their ILP account.

  • In the case that you are taking over the license management, provide the customer with the appropriate e-mail address so that the customer can assign you as the administrator or service provider of their account.

Which Roles Are Available in the ILP?

For each user account in the ILP, a role is assigned. There are three roles:

  • administrator

  • service provider

  • user

You can find more information about the different roles under Roles and Permissions

How Do I Access My Purchased Licenses?

Since September 2021, the purchased licenses are assigned directly to the end customer's company ILP account when the order is processed at IGEL. The end customer’s company is defined as the company detailed on the invoice. If no company account exists in the ILP, the company account is created automatically based on the invoice information. To access the licenses, you need an ILP user account that is assigned to the ILP company account.

Your ILP administrator can invite you to the company account. You will then receive an invitation e-mail to finalize your registration. The administrator defines your user account role.

If your company account has no administrator, you need to register on You will be assigned to the administrator role.

To make it easier to identify your ILP account after your registration, enter the Delivery Token or Subscription Key on the Company Details page. For details on registration, see IGEL License Portal (ILP), section "How to Register with the IGEL License Portal". 

Additional Options for the Region North America 

If you are in the region North America, you can send your user details with an order. The procedure varies based on whether an ILP administrator exists for your company account or not:

  • No ILP administrator exists for your company: Your user account is created and assigned to the company account automatically. You receive an email to finalize your registration. You are automatically assigned the administrator role.

  • An ILP administrator already exists for your company account: IGEL informs the administrator to invite you. You will then receive an invitation e-mail to finalize your registration. The administrator defines your user account role.

Why Do I Need a Global Account ID?

The Global Account ID identifies the end customer. This ID is displayed on the homepage and under the Manage Company section in the ILP. For a new order or a license renewal, you require the Global Account ID and Subscription Key to place the order. The Subscription Key is located in the Subscription Key section of the ILP.

How Can I Access My Client’s Licenses on Their ILP Account? I Already Have an ILP User Account.

Your user account can be assigned to your client’s company account to give you access to the client’s licenses. There are several ways to assign you to the client’s account.

The client company account administrator needs to invite you to the company account and assign a role to you. If your client’s company account has no administrator, your client needs to register on and invite you afterward.

Additional Options for the Region North America 

If you are in the region of North America, you can send your user details with an order. The procedure varies based on whether an ILP administrator exists for your company account or not:

  • No ILP administrator exists for your company: If you do not have a user account, it is created automatically and assigned to the client’s company account. If you do have a user account, you are automatically assigned the administrator role to the client’s company account.

  • An ILP administrator already exists for your company account: IGEL informs the administrator to invite you to the company account and to define your user role. Then you receive an invitation e-mail to finalize your registration (in case you do not have a user account) and to assign your user account to the client’s company account.

I Am a Managed Service Provider with One Single UMS and Several Clients/Companies. How Do I Handle License Deployment? 

If you have access to several ILP accounts for several clients/companies and manage their devices with one single UMS, you can not use the standard Automatic License Deployment (ALD) mechanism. This is because the standard Automatic License Deployment method requires a UMS Licensing ID, and one specific UMS Licensing ID can only be registered with one ILP account.

However, you can use the alternative Automatic License Deployment (ALD) mechanism with an ALD Token; see Set up Automatic License Deployment (ALD) with ALD Token. This enables you to deploy licenses for several companies with one single UMS.

Is the Delivery Token Still Necessary to Assign New Licenses to a Customer Account?

  • For licenses purchased since September 2021, the license is assigned directly to the end customer’s company account in the ILP. No Delivery Tokens are involved.

  • If you have purchased licenses before September 2021 with a Delivery Token but have not registered them, you must register the Delivery Tokens manually in your ILP company account.

What Is a Subscription Key and Why Do I Need It?

The Subscription key is a permanent ID that is used to decouple the actual license order or renewal from the management and assignment of the licenses in the ILP and the Universal Management Suite (UMS). If you want to renew your subscriptions, you need the Subscription Key to place the order.

What Is a Product Pack and What Is It Used For?

A Product Pack is a term used in the ILP to refer to a set of licenses. A Product Pack ID is assigned to a permanent Subscription Key. You can only merge those Product Packs that share the same Subscription Key. The IT administrator works with the Product Packs to roll out licenses via the UMS to IGEL OS-powered endpoint devices. The Product Pack ID is used for typical administration tasks, like splitting or merging Product Packs, or for deploying licenses via Automatic License Deployment (ALD).

Which IGEL Product Packs Can I Split and Merge and How?

You can split and merge all Product Packs, regardless of whether they have been purchased before or after 9/2021.

All Product Packs that have been purchased before September 3rd of 2021 but are activated after this date will receive a Subscription Key. This ensures that you can split and merge any Product Pack in the same way, 

What Is the Interconnection with Subscription Key and Product Pack?

The Subscription Key always has a minimum of one Product Pack assigned. Splitting of Product Packs can generate new Product Pack IDs, but the overlaying Subscription Key is permanent and does not change. Hence, a Subscription Key can have several Product Packs, and a Product Pack has always just one Subscription Key.

What Happens When My Licenses Have Expired?

Please refer to IGEL Subscription - Entitlements and Effects of Expiration .

What Can I Do When My Licenses Have Expired?

Please refer to My Licenses Have Expired - What Can I Do?

Can I Remove an IGEL License Completely, Also from the Device?

Yes, you can. IGEL provides profiles for the Universal Management Suite (UMS) to achieve this. For instructions, see How To Remove an IGEL License Completely

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